WordPress Plugins and Themes


How to install Coming Soon WordPress plugin

The Coming Soon WordPress plugin Ready! is set up to notify users about a website being under construction. The plugin works well with all themes, regardless of hosting and device. You can set it up to display the Coming Soon, Maintenance Mode / Redirect 301 and/or UnderConstruction HTTP 503 – Service Unavailable messages.

This plugin has a pack of features that ensure easy integration with a variety of social networks, such as Instagram, Tweeter, Google+, Facebook, Youtube, as well as Google Anaylics integration, email subscription, etc.

Thanks to styling options, you can style your notifications in your preferred fashion and thus make your website attractive before actually launching it.

To install the plugin, move to the administrator panel, press Plugins -> Upload -> Upload file. In the file selection window, select the Coming Soon / Maintenance Mode Ready! plugin. Press OK to launch installation. When the plugin is installed, activate the plugin by pressing the Activate button.

Also, you can install the plugin via FTP. Move to the FTP page and follow …/wp-content/plugins/, then move the folder with the plugin (not the zip archive!) to the Plugins folder. To activate the plugin, follow Plugins->Installed coming soon plugins, select The Coming Soon / Maintenance Mode Ready! plugin and press Activate.